16.1 Creating an Encounter
16.0 Encounters 16.1 Creating an Encounter

Click the green "New Encounter" button at the top to begin.

You can enter a name and choose a status. The status on a new encounter will usually be "Uninitiated", as your players have not started it yet. You also have the options of "Progress" or "Complete".

You can select a Place in this dropdown for where the encounter is located.

You can also assign a color to the encounter for your own organization needs.

Use the Notes box to write out basic information such as describing the scene, creatures encountered, etc.

This separate Events / Triggers / Traps will help you keep track of specific things that happen during the encounter.

This section applies to Entity tracking. When you add Entities, you can track up to four stats during the encounter. Let me hop into a complete encounter real quick to give you an example. The tracking circles show up like this in your encounter and allow you to click and make quick changes to track things like Health or Sanity. You can also use them for at-a-glance stats like AC. We will come back to these cards shortly. (See Section for more details)

Finally, you can upload an image to replace the default hex graphic.

Click the Create Encounter button and it will take you to your new encounter page. You will notice your player combat cards will automatically be added to the campaign.